Kazuki Takahashi, the creator behind the universe of the franchise Yu-Gi-Oh!, was found dead on July 6th 2022.
"I’ve always been obsessed with games. Certainly as a kid, and even today, I like blackjack and board games like Scotland Yard. In a game, the player becomes the hero. And that’s the basic premise for Yu-Gi-Oh. The main character, Yugi, is a weak and childish boy who becomes a hero when he plays games." - Mr. Takahashi.
Takahashi without knowing it at the time, created a world that brought happiness to millions of people around the world through anime series, manga, and the trading card game, and will continue to do so for generations. His legacy will stay forever.
This page was made to commemorate his work, all of the arts of the characters were drawn by Takahashi himself. Feel free to use this page with your own characters. Get the code here.