Poems By Harley Claes
Some of my recent poems to get an idea of my writing.
All of these are copyrighted so don't even think about it

Shoegaze Delusions

Sea-petal reveries- tapestries of jazz, an embroidered atmosphere, an angel laboratory stitched with banned prayer– fawn-like inflections of wind-up toy women– tattered and adolescent. Enlaced with fate, the monarch matriarch trembling omnipresent– mink coats with rotten passion, pink champagne– the void between her legs. her most elegant weapon. Bewitched by babydoll consciousness and porcelain-perfect flesh concoctions


Caution: inner worlds ahead, consisting of unpredictable terrain and untouched memories– only unlockable thru shadow work. Introspection is the elixir, but too much introversion can divine the medicinal benefits into poison– withdrawing the conscience from inadequate outer excursions. Catharsis can be reached thru the alchemy of integration and the aid of habitual journaling.

Inner Escort

Sacred ceremonies of cultivated agony
Theatrical landscapes of weeping tragedy
The body is a graveyard
Of Ancient heartbreak & sensuality
Mourn the myths of love
And prostitute poetry

Message in a Bottle

He didn’t exist until our love
Our romance manifested in him a meaningful existence
Without it he is barren- emptied of poetry
Drunk on the highway to nowhere-
He is a sealed love letter to all his dead lovers-
A boy blank
History has forgotten him
But this hidden page has eternalized him
His melodies will cease
And nothing will be left of him-
But this ill-uttered testimonial
Capsule of condolence- Sad ceremonial

Dosing the Sublime

Fear and loathing in a counterfeit heaven
Force-fed visions of human herding
Amongst subservient smoking cherubs
There exists a hypnotic alliance with kidnapped time
A new order devised by a malevolent god
Puppetmaster of a mob mind
Making prisoners of the genius clinically insane sorcerers
Who build canvas shrines
Each brushstroke a protest against indoctrination & tradition
The jailed inventing games of the mind
Alternative realities created to survive a false heaven